Kenya Slum Upgrading Programme (KENSUP)

The Government of Kenya, in collaboration with UN-HABITAT and other stakeholders, initiated the Kenya Slum Upgrading Programme (KENSUP) in 2004. The objective is to improve lives and livelihoods of people working and living in slums through various initiatives and interventions. KENSUP addresses national aspirations as envisaged in Vision 2030 and in the Bill of Rights of the Constitution. It also contributes to fulfilment of the Millennium Development Goals, in particular goal seven target eleven on improving lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers globally by the year 2020.

The upgrading involves the following:

Construction of low cost houses, installation of social and physical infrastructure, introducing income generation activities, facilitating security of tenure, environment and solid waste management, community and resource mobilisation, capacity building among the communities and addressing cross cutting issues including HIV and AIDs, alcohol, drug and substance abuse and insecurity among others.

Key milestones

  • Relocation of 1,200 households from Soweto East to a decanting site in Lang’ata.
  • Construction of 822 housing units in Soweto and 245 market stalls.
  • Vetting and allocation of 691 units to beneficiaries.
  • Installation of high mast flood lights in the following counties: Kisumu, Kakamega, Nakuru, Machakos, Homabay, Nyeri, Embu, Meru, Uasin Gishu, Kilifi, Bungoma, Nyandarua, Trans Nzoia, Laikipia, Isiolo, Lamu, Kajiado, Tharaka-Nithi, Kwale, Taita-Taveta, Kiambu and Makueni
  • Formation of 30 housing co-operative societies.
  • Formation of settlement executive committees.
  • Construction of social hall and dispensary in Nakuru.
  • Construction of classrooms in Huruma-Eldoret, Mukhaweri in Bugoma and Amalemba in Kakamega.
  • Mavoko sustainable neighbourhood project comprising of 462 residential units, jua kali sheds, commercial centre, primary school, nursery schools and police post.
  • Mapping and inventory of slums and informal settlements in Kenya.
  • Construction of roads in Kibera, cabbro lanes and foot paths in Lamu.
  • Protection and improvement of shallow wells in Lamu.
  • Construction of Ziwa la Ng’ombe dispensary in Kisauni Mombasa.
  • Construction of social hall and nursery school in Malindi
  • Construction of markets in Nyeri, Kisumu and Langas in Eldoret.
  •  Initiation and preparation of a slum upgrading and prevention policy. The draft has received Cabinet approval for publication.

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