Urban and Metropolitan Department

The mandate of Directorate of Urban and Metropolitan Development is to formulate, coordinate and administer policy in respect to Nairobi Metropolitan region, including an integrated Nairobi Metropolitan Areas Growth and Development Strategy, which covers:

  • Preparation of spatial planning
  • Development and enforcement of planning and zoning regulations
  • Integrated roads, bus and rail infrastructure
  • Efficient mass transport system
  • Efficient water supply and waste management infrastructure for Nairobi metropolitan region.
  • Promotion, development and investment in sufficient public services and world class infrastructure for transforming Nairobi into a global competitive region for investment and tourism
  • Identification and implementation of strategic projects and programmes requiring support of the national government
  • Promotion of Nairobi metropolitan area as a regional global service centre for financial, information and communication technology, health education, business, tourism and other services
  • Development of a sustainable funding framework for the development of identified urban and metropolitan areas.

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